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What is Meat Traceability?

Meat traceability is tracing meat products through the supply chain from farm to table. Why is this important? Because every year, millions of people worldwide get sick from eating contaminated food. By tracing meat products, we can help to identify and contain outbreaks of foodborne illness more quickly. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what meat traceability is and how it works. What is Meat Traceability, and Why is It Important? Meat traceability is a vital part of the food industry. It consists of keeping track of where, when, and how meat products move through the food chain, from farm to table. This process includes tracking batch numbers and production dates so that if there is ever a recall due to contamination or disease, it can be quickly narrowed down to a...
What is gender-neutral fashion

What is gender-neutral fashion

Gender-neutral fashion is a trend that promotes clothing and accessories that are not specifically designed for men or women. The trend is to challenge traditional gender norms and to make fashion more inclusive. Traditionally, clothing has been divided into two categories: men's and women's. Men's clothing is typically characterized by more structured, angular lines, while women's clothing is typically characterized by softer, more flowing lines. However, gender-neutral fashion seeks to break down these traditional gender boundaries and to create clothing that can be worn by anyone, regardless of their gender identity. One of the main reasons for the rise of gender-neutral fashion is the increasing visibility of the LGBTQ+ community. Many people in the LGBTQ+ community feel that...
Tips to avoid debt and divorce in recession

Tips to avoid debt and divorce in recession

In these tough economic times, how do you get your finances on track and save your personal relationships? When couples enter into a relationship, many don’t discuss finances, how to budget or have a savings plan. Elena Jara is the education coordinator at Credit Canada, a non-profit organization that provides money and credit counselling to people who are in financial difficulty. “Many of our clients have come in to our offices and due to financial strain are considering separation or divorce.” One of the biggest problems, says Jara, is that more often than not you are dealing with two different personalities. “It’s very important that you sit down with your partner and figure out a style of money management.” Jara recommends that couples follow these four steps to avoid h...
Tips for teachers about teenage behavior

Tips for teachers about teenage behavior

When teaching teenagers, it is common to face apathy, un-certainty, low or elevated self-esteem, a sense of isolation or loneliness, frustration and sometimes aggression. Sounds heavy on top of the curriculum workload? After all, most teachers are not experts in psychology. Maintaining control in a classroom filled with teenagers is not a task to be undertaken lightly and requires real understanding and empathy towards what they are feeling and experiencing, as well as solid teaching tools to help you approach them effectively. Expectations Teenagers nowadays often look, talk and act like adults, which can lead us to treat them as equals. On the other hand, we know that they are not and simultaneously expect them to respect our adult authority. Ironically, teenagers are develo...
The US Civil War in September and October 1863

The US Civil War in September and October 1863

In September 1863, Federals moved closer toward securing Arkansas for the Union. In Tennessee, the Federal Army of the Cumberland under General William Rosecrans advanced on the important railroad city of Chattanooga. With the situation growing desperate for the Confederates, General Braxton Bragg launched a savage attack in northern Georgia that sent the Federals in full retreat. The Fall of Little Rock Federal forces moved closer toward conquering Arkansas. They captured Fort Smith on the state’s western border and they continued moving against the state capital of Little Rock. On September 10, Confederate forces abandoned Little Rock in the face of a larger, stronger Federal army. This severely threatened the entire Confederate Trans-Mississippi District. General Edmund Kir...
Five Moderately Priced Gifts That People Will Love

Five Moderately Priced Gifts That People Will Love

  If you're looking for a gift for someone but don't want to break the bank, there are plenty of options. It's easy to know that "pricey" means better, but this isn't always true. In my opinion, the best gifts show that you've put some thought into them. Did you know that you can plan an Austin adult birthday party? This is a fun way to plan a special day for someone, and it will be so easy for you! If you want to have fun, but let someone else do the work, check it out. Flowers When it comes to gifts, flowers are a classic choice. They're beautiful, come in many colors and sizes, and can be personalized for any occasion. The best part? They don't require much thought or effort—and that's a big deal for the person you're shopping for. If you have someone who has everythi...