
Tag: Divorce

Tips to avoid debt and divorce in recession

Tips to avoid debt and divorce in recession

In these tough economic times, how do you get your finances on track and save your personal relationships? When couples enter into a relationship, many don’t discuss finances, how to budget or have a savings plan. Elena Jara is the education coordinator at Credit Canada, a non-profit organization that provides money and credit counselling to people who are in financial difficulty. “Many of our clients have come in to our offices and due to financial strain are considering separation or divorce.” One of the biggest problems, says Jara, is that more often than not you are dealing with two different personalities. “It’s very important that you sit down with your partner and figure out a style of money management.” Jara recommends that couples follow these four steps to avoid h...
Signs of cheating in a relationship – Is your partner unfaithful

Signs of cheating in a relationship – Is your partner unfaithful

A cheating spouse can erode a person’s feeling of self-worth and cause a lot of anxiety and stress. Affairs don’t only have emotional consequences, they can have legal consequences too if a couple decides to separate. Also, extramarital activities can also bring sexually transmitted diseases into a relationship. A husband or wife might like to discover if their spouse is having an affair – if only for peace of mind. Here are some top signs to look out for if you think that your partner is being unfaithful. Social Acceptance of an Affair If a spouse’s friends are having affairs or recently had extramarital affairs, it can mean that the husband or wife thinks that it is normal or acceptable to be unfaithful too. These changed norms in the social circle make it seem permissible for the ...
Is marriage something everyone needs

Is marriage something everyone needs

Most little girls grow up focused on finding the perfect white dress, a gorgeous location and venue, and a beautiful color scheme that everyone will remember. It has always been a joke that all little girls start planning their weddings from the moment they gain an understanding of what marriage is. Oddly enough, marriage was not something I thought about very often growing up. If I ever do end up getting married, I will be starting from scratch completely. Sure makes the idea of a no fuss elopement to Vegas sound very appealing. Cultural Pressure on Marriage Recent statistics of the divorce rate in the United States show that the divorce trend is closing in on the 50% mark. It is a curious idea that these little girls' dreams could be detrimental to the actual institution of marriag...
Divorce and money not necessarily linked

Divorce and money not necessarily linked

Traditional wisdom states money is among the leading causes of divorce, but experts say this often-quoted fact may be grounded more in myth or history than in modern reality. Is Money Among Top Causes of Divorce? Money may not be the marriage-buster it is commonly thought to be, Alison Lobron reports in the Jan. 18, 2009, Boston Globe article, “Does Money Really Wreck a Marriage?” Lobron contends that married couples can argue over issues about money but research shows divorce and money problems don’t have to go hand in hand. “I'd heard for years this idea that money was the number one cause of divorce, but I'd never seen any empirical data,” Utah consumer economist Jan Andersen told Lobron. Andersen teaches workshops on personal finance at Utah State University. When research...
Four negative behavior patterns in love marriage problem

Four negative behavior patterns in love marriage problem

Love marriage problem - All marriage partners have love marriage problem. All marriage partners have arguments from time to time and these may cause them to fall into negative behavior patterns. John M. Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman describe some of these love marriage problem behaviors in their book, 10 Lessons to Transform your Marriage (Crown Publishers, 2006). They also give advice on how to turn negative reactions and conflict into positive confrontations. Criticism Within a Love Marriage Problem When people marry and live together, it is easy for faults to be magnified and tempers to rise. Small irritations develop into big issues and husbands and wives start to accuse and criticize each other. Critical statements often begin with, “You always,” or “You never.” Crit...
Divorce therapy and how to succeed at co-parenting

Divorce therapy and how to succeed at co-parenting

Most parents want to help their children develop into healthy individuals even after divorce, believes divorce therapy experts. They can often find ways to overcome the disagreements that led to the end of the marriage and when they are unable to stop divorce, even when they hold different values and perceptions. However, some parents find it very difficult to transcend these differences and become engaged in endless conflict that is harmful to the children and to each other, and to the godly relationships of course. Co-Parenting With Conflicted Parenting Styles Many family courts award joint custody, even when parents are in total disagreement about how to raise the children and express open hostility toward each other. These parents often find it difficult to work together, but it ...