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Dumbbells Vs. Kettlebells: Which are Better

In order to test the effectiveness of kettlebells, researchers conducted a study in which subjects went through a 20-minute kettlebell routine. Various criteria were measured including oxygen consumption, heart rate, and calories burned. It was calculated that the participants were "burning at least 20.2 calories per minute, which is off the charts." The author determined that based on the physiological responses during the kettlebell workout "it provides a much higher-intensity workout than standard weight-training routines". These tests don't lie. So is there some magic in kettlebells? Why would you burn more calories working out with kettlebells versus dumbbells? Kettlebells Kettlebells are cast iron weights in a ball shape with a single looped handle on top. Originally used...
Top tips for effective exercise routine

Top tips for effective exercise routine

Health and fitness are becoming more and more important every day as more people are considered overweight or obese. Health education is also important in teaching folks the proper nutrition, healthy weight loss, and exercise workout routines. Health insurance will take on new meaning as the system of how health care is provided changes drastically. If just starting out with a new workout, trying a new piece of fitness equipment, or looking to hire the services of a personal trainer. the overall goal is the same. Creating and maintaining a fitness and exercise plan that includes stretching, aerobics, core exercises, muscular fitness, and balance training. Prepare for Exercise by Stretching First Before a body can be put through the exertions of aerobic and strength training, i...
Why Stem Cell Therapy is Essential

Why Stem Cell Therapy is Essential

Stem cell therapy has gained much traction recently as a viable alternative to reconstructive surgery for chronic conditions. Nowadays, researchers are finding ways to adapt this therapeutic strategy to prevalent chronic disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and heart disease, among other examples.  If you are not familiar with this method of treatment, you may have some reservations about it. Fortunately, you should anticipate these positive outcomes. The Workings of Stem Cell Therapy Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, involves using dysfunctional, wounded, or diseased tissue to stimulate the body's natural healing processes using stem cells or their derivatives. These cells are grown in the lab by researchers, where they are then subjected ...
How You Can Help to Support Mental Health in Young Children

How You Can Help to Support Mental Health in Young Children

If there is one thing that is concerning to parents of young children, it is if they are giving them enough support. Whether it is your first child or your fifth, you are going to need to make sure that you are doing enough to help them grow and find their place in the world around them. This can be something that you might find to be frustrating and stressful, but it is one of the necessities of parenting.  What Can Parents Do to Help Their Children? The best thing a parent can do for their children is to help them to help themselves. This isn’t ‘showing them what it would be like in the real world’ or making them feel thankful that you put a roof over their head and that you feed them. You are their parent. You chose to have them, so you should make them feel wanted.  Instead, t...
Dance exercise program for back and leg strength

Dance exercise program for back and leg strength

According to dancer teacher, choreographer and artistic director to the London Contemporary Dance Theatre, Robert Cohan, building strength in the back and the thighs is essential if dancers are able to take their own weight via their backs and thighs when moving upwards from the floor [The Dance Workshop, George Allen & Unwin, 1986]. With increased strength, this movement may be executed with control, grace and minimal unsteadiness. During dance routines, the dance teacher must ensure that the correct technique is practiced to avoid injury and to aid those who might find the exercises difficult at first. Dance Lesson Plan on Floor Exercises The dance teacher may differentiate for diverse abilities within the dance class by omitting certain movements and prescribing extra exer...
The Benefits of Contemporary Dance

The Benefits of Contemporary Dance

Did you know that contemporary dancing might help you get a job? The reason behind this statement is it fosters creative thinking. Creative thinking is one of the most sought after skills that employers are currently looking for. Being able to create, reinvent, or optimize things on the fly helps solve a business problem fast, which could be vital to its success. The skills you develop inside and outside of work matter for your employability. This is only one reason you should consider contemporary dance. There are several other benefits, including stress reduction, increased physical health, and self-expression. Stress Reduction Contemporary dance classes build healthier kids today and balanced adults for the future. This happens because they can translate their emotions into physic...